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The cosmogony begins, as is usual with cosmogonies, by thinking away all things in ..... Brahmanspati, the personification of the creative power of Brahma, ... - 92k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

NOTES -&.ND QUERIES. [8* s. xi. ie, '67.

have in the Hindoo cosmogony, that ' Brahma sleeps.' While he thus slumbers, the whole creation, with its. iTorlds and mundane developments, ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

cosmogony -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

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From Narayana's navel grew a lotus, in which the god Brahma was born ... > Cosmogony from the Greek religion article Of several competing cosmogonies in ... - 58k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hinduism :: Cosmogony -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

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Britannica online encyclopedia article on Hinduism, Cosmogony: Puranic cosmogony ... From Narayana's navel grew a lotus, in which the god Brahma was born ... - 125k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Today there are to separate human viewpoints concerning Cosmogony; ..... One kalpa (Brahma’s one day and one night) = 2000 chatur yugas = 8640000000 daivas. ... - 74k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Mailgate: humanities.language.sanskrit: On the interpration of the ...

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Naturally, the term 'sahaMpati' is an epithet of the Brahma but the terms is ... which would be consistent with the role of Brahma in medic cosmogony. ... - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Mailgate: humanities.language.sanskrit: Re: On the interpration of ...

我輩自共護是善男the brahma devas and all the devas together said to the Buddha: ... which would be consistent >>with the role of Brahma in medic cosmogony. ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Our Scientific Heritage by Neria Harish Hebbar, MD

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Our Scientific Heritage The Hindu Cosmology and Cosmogony. The ‘day of Brahma’ is the basic cycle called Kalpa. Each kalpa lasts for 4320000000 years. ... - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Hindu View on Cosmogony by Dr. RK Lahiri, PhD

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Cosmogony means an understanding of the universe, reflection on, and account of ... It also describes Viswakarma as creator, the first to come from Brahma. ... - 24k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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A Guide to Understanding Cosmogonic Myths and Theoretical Science ...

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Cosmogony of the Pyramid Texts (c.2800 BCE) Heliopolis .... The days and nights of Brahma are calculated to Brahma years, and the Brahma years are ... - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

JSTOR: Cosmogony as Myth in the Vishnu Purana

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It is this persistence as exemplified in the cosmogony of the Vishnu Purana that ..... Brahma not only creates man and woman but is male and female (1.7). ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

JSTOR: Cosmogony and Creation in Balinese Tradition

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... Brahma, Mahadeva, Visnu and Bhattara Guru, to the five colours, ... Hooykaas first gives the text with a translation of a Balinese cosmogony that is ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Cosmogony - Wikisource

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The word cosmogony is, however, usually applied to mythic accounts of the world's ..... This word Brahma, from meaning originally sacred sacrificial food, ... - 73k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Index to Oahspe

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A SYNOPSIS OF THE COSMOGONY OF THE UNIVERSE; THE CREATION OF PLANETS; THE ... Brahma attains iesu. Brahma and his family hold a spirit circle. ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Ex Ovo Omnia : Where Does the Balto-Finnic Cosmogony Originate?

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The Orphic cosmogony has been preserved only in fragments and ... demiurge Prajapati, who was later replaced by Brahma, was said to be born ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Orthodox priests did not accept the Atharvan as a true Brahma-Veda, ... In Aryan cosmogony, the inceptive power of creation was originally held in Mantra ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Celtic Cosmogony and Eschatology

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Celtic Cosmogony and Eschatology An Exercize in Comparative Mythology .... Shiva will destroy the universe, followed by Brahma making a new world, ... - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Karbis Of Assam

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And also that, the Karbi ‘cosmogony’ has a deeper philosophy than we cared to .... thus: Naran begat Brahma, Brahma begat Marichi, and so on through five ... - 134k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Eighteenth Degree

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The Priests of Brahma, professing a dark and bloody creed, brutalised by ... The Phoenician cosmogony, like all others in Asia, was the Word of God, ... - 55k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Cosmogony and the Elements : The Intuition of Cosmos in Science ...

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The stalk of the lotus bearing Brahma, the four-faced creator of the ... some of which may be related to our theme of cosmogony and the elements: (1) The ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Five Mahabhutas - A Semantic Analysis

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Thus air and sky did not occur as different elements in Greek cosmogony. ... kathaĆ sarvasya brahmatvam-ityata ˇha tajjal""ˇniti A tasmˇd brahma¸o jˇtaĆ ... - 54k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Cosmogony - LoveToKnow 1911

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The classical specimen of an advanced cosmogony is to be found in the Rig ... in which egg he himself is born as Brahma -, the progenitor of the worlds. ... - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Brahman - LoveToKnow 1911

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The Brahman priest (brahma) being thus the recognized head of the sacerdotal order ... that Brahma has his definite place assigned to him in the cosmogony. ... - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Universe mostly forgets its past during cosmic rebirth - space ...

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This essay reminds of aspects of Hindu cosmogony, I heard in India. Brahma, the Creator, makes the Universe, which lasts during his "day"- 4320,000000 ... - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Thus in the Hindu cosmogony Brahma is represented, after long inertia, as arranging the passive elements, "creating the world and all visible things. ... - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Chinese Buddhism: Chapter XI. Relation of Buddhism to the Older ...

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The latter is the first in the well-known triumvirate of gods, Brahma, Vishnu, ... they inhabit one of the lokas or "heavens" of the Hindoo cosmogony. ... - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Lotus Deities

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In the Hindu Puranas and in Markandeya's version of the cosmogony, it is four-faced Brahma who is seated in the lotus that comes from Vishnu's navel. ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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In one Indian cosmogony, dark blue sleeping Vishnu has a lotus growing from the lake that is in his navel, and when it blooms, Brahma and his consort, ... - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Brahma Purana

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A selection of articles related to Brahma Purana. ... to what theosophy teaches as the facts of cosmogony than do the later tidal or planetesimal theories. ... - 102k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Night of Brahma

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A selection of articles related to Night of Brahma. ... what theosophy teaches as the facts of cosmogony than do the later tidal or planetesimal theories. ... - 114k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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From Brahma to a blade of grass

In seeking the Indian self we will make use of a mythic cosmogony ..... (Brahma or the Cosmic Man Prajfipati or Purusa) emits a "heavily. marked" universe. ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Ritual in an Oscillating Universe. Worshipping Siva in Medieval ...

of Siva at various stages in the cosmogony and subsequently correlated ... which is called nivrtti, the corresponding god to which is Brahma, ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu cosmology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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... Books of India with a Cosmogony which no European conception has ever surpassed." ... The Hindu tradition has a day and night of Brahma in this range, ... - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Creator deity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For example, Baka Brahma. However, Buddha pointed out to them that they do not know the whole extent of the universe (he said they have no knowledge of some ... - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

COSMOGONY (from Gr. K6... - Online Information article about ...

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COSMOGONY (from Gr. K6Qµos, world and yiyvevGay to be born) ..... golden egg, in which egg he himself is born as Brahma, the progenitor of the worlds. ... - 115k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

BRAHMAN - Online Information article about BRAHMAN

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The Brahman priest (brahma) being thus the recognized See also: ... COSMOGONY (from Gr. K6Qµos, world and yiyvevGay to be born). cosmogony . ... - 47k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Celtic Cosmogony and

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Celtic Cosmogony and Eschatology .... Shiva will destroy the universe, followed by Brahma making a new world, beginning the next Satya Yuga (Golden Age). ... - 43k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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The sinless Brahma dwells in Unity, And they in Brahma. Be not over-glad Attaining joy, and be not over-sad Encountering grief, but, stayed on Brahma, still ... - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Emblem of Life

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In the Scandinavian Cosmogony, Audumla is the Cow of Creation, ... Vach is the daughter and female portion of Brahma, one "generated by the gods," as Isis ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Pagan Roots: The Bible and the Vedas

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It must be remembered that every cosmogony has a trinity of workers at its head ... in fact, constitute a cosmic day; and it was a "day of Brahma" that the ... - 23k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Grey Lodge Occult Review :: Cosmogony and Cosmology

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First there is creation by Brahma, then Vishnu sustains the universe; then Shiva destroys ..... Perhaps a major premise of my cosmogony-cosmology is wrong; ... - 102k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Duality in Evolution by Thijs Prent

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From Brahman and Pradhana is born the son, Brahma, a name which comes from a Sanskrit ... In every Cosmogony, behind and higher than the creative deity, ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

"The Boundless in Ancient Cosmogonies" by G. de Purucker

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The idea was that just as in the Day of Brahma of Hindu cosmogony things spring into active manifested existence, so in the kosmic Day of the Greeks things ... - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Where...How...What...??? - Topic :

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Brahma then proceeded to create the universe. Brahma created the entire universe in a ... between the Hindu creation myth and current scientific cosmogony. ... - 61k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Esoteric Studies Website

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In Hindu and Theosophical cosmogony, the chain of Creation is as follows: ..... Each Kalpa and Brahma-Vidya is thought to equal 4320000000 Earth years, ... - 76k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu Mythology - Introduction I - free Suite101 course

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Brahma, who is responsible for the creation, ensconced himself in the egg ... Read the note on Cosmogony of the Universe on page 629 of ‘The Indian Epics ... - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Since this idea is linked with the origin of the universe, it was inevitable that Brahma should become associated with Hindu cosmogony. ... - 33k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky, Vol 2, Book 1, Stanza 1

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But in Hindu Cosmogony or "Creation," Brahma-Prajapati creates Viraj and the Rishis, spiritually; therefore the latter are distinctly called "the Mind-born ... - 99k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett - Letter 13

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In studying esoteric cosmogony, keep a spiritual eye upon the ... Brahma being but the vivifying expansive force of nature in its eternal evolution. ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Mountain Paths: Chapter 16

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For the rest, it will be seen that chronology and cosmogony are here in intimate connection:. "The day of Brahma (4320000000 years) is divided into fourteen ... - 49k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

La tesis

... y transgresión se plantea también en el caso de la quinta cabeza de Brahmâ (cf. ... Rig Védica sobre la que insiste Kuiper (Cosmogony and Conception). ... - 113k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

three fundamental propositions from esoteric philosophy and theosophy

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... only of the Cosmogony of our own planetary System and what is visible around it, .... This is why the Hindus say that the Universe is Brahma and Brahmâ, ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu Wisdom

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The life of Brahma is 100 times 365 kalpas, forming a 'mahakalpa`. ... indisputable fact that ancient Indian cosmogony is extremely complex and advanced. ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu Wisdom - Hindu Cosmology

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The ancient Hindus believed that each Brahma day and each Brahma night lasted ... of India with a Cosmogony which no European conception has ever surpassed. ... - 166k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Mornington Crescent Underground Theosophy Website

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The word Brahmâ comes from the Sanscrit root brih, to expand, grow, or fructify, esoteric cosmogony being but the vivifying expansive force of Nature in its ... - 74k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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The creator-god is usually identified as Brahma, the first god in the Hindu ... In Hindu cosmogony, there is no absolute beginning point assigned to the ... - 6k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Pa. '' '' etc.

sacred bull received honor as the mount of Shiva. But in Hindu cosmogony the cow was honored. In the. Black Yajurveda Brahma is as food (annam):. I am FOOD. ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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... Contraception; Conversion; Coomaraswamy, A.; cosmogony [general entry]; ... Forms of marriage (or of getting a wife): Brahma; Arsha; Daiva; Gandharva; ... - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Vamana Purana : Sanskrit Text and English Translation with an ...

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Glorification of Brahma-saras. 23. Description of Bali's coronation as the ... five topics namely (1) Primary creation or cosmogony (2) Secondary creation, ... - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu Institution -urgent plz - Page 2 - Yoga Forums

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(which are also unproven but let's not go there) For me this cosmogony is much ... They all were brahma gyanis since the time of birth till they left their ... - 61k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Many Ramayanas "d0e3418"

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The Phra Lak/Phra Lain cosmogony begins with the descent of two brahma deities, a male and a female, from the heavens (where they had escaped the ... - 51k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Cosmology - Asia - Buddhist Cosmologies, Chinese Cosmologies ...

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Yet in another prominent cosmogony, the author marvels at how nothing—neither ... These four yuga, however, constitute but one day of Brahma, and—following ... - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ - Chapter IV

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... written by the sage Vyasa, and given to cosmogony, chronology, and geography; ... Of these, Brahma is said to have been the author of our race; which, ... - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Epitome of Theosophical Teachings by William Q. Judge

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The reason for this is that at the night of Brahma, or the so-called indrawing .... in the first place, an account of cosmogony, the past and future of this ... - 58k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Eileen Gardiner, editor; Hell-On-Line: Hell Glossary

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She was named as the consort of Kasyapa or Brahma; sometimes depicted as a cow; ... considered the primeval self-made god of the Heliopolitan cosmogony. ... - 175k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Indian Mythology - Hindu Mythology Articles, Facts @ Indian ...

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... and connected representation of the cosmogony and mysticism of these poems, ... BRAHMA the Creator, VISHNU the preserver and SHIVA or MAHESHA the ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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The brahma deities who are associated with the next-lower level, ... particularly in the cosmogony through which the lower strata of the cosmos are restored ... - 6k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Puranic cosmogony greatly expands upon the complex cosmogonies of the Brahmanas, ... From Narayana's navel grew a lotus, in which the god Brahma was born ... - 3k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Blue Lily

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In the Hindu saint Markandeya's version of the cosmogony, it is four-faced Brahma who is seated in this lotus. It is his day and night which are the kalpas, ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Ashrama: June 2007

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Samkhya-Yoga are paired because their cosmogony is nearly identical. ... A key text for the Vedanta school is the Vedanta Sutra or the Brahma Sutras of ... - 72k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Current Exhibition

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If Kamat had represented herself in the act of giving birth to Brahma, ... The viewer is not looking, here, at an awe-inspiring cosmogony and its ... - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Brahma-Vid-Apnoti-Cosmic Universe-flow of knowledge is Divine Flow ... Edit Summary:Cosmology,Cosmogony,Space Science,Philosophy, ... - 40k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Edit Summary:Cosmology,Cosmogony,Space Science,Philosophy, .... to junctions 1010 to 1016 LY Sree Narayana, Siva and Brahma : Three in one integration. ... - 70k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

World Mysteries - Ancient Science

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During brahma ratri, these forces remain in a balanced state. .... Brahma is derived from root "Briha" meaning to expand and "Anda" means egg. ... - 88k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


... Deity ; Brahma ; Vishnu ; Shiva ; Underground world ; Ritual ; Cosmogony ... Fête ; Cycle annuel ; Démon ; Divinité ; Brahma ; Vishnu ; Shiva ; Monde ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

HINDU FORUM ~ Scriptures

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Näradëya, Brahma Vaivarta, Skanda. Garuda, Märkandèya, Agni ... Hindu views of metaphysics, cosmogony, the human condition, moksha (liberation), ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu Genius

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Count Maurice Maeterlinck wrote of "a Cosmogony (the study of the origin of the ... Maha Kalpa or Brahma Ayu is the largest Unit of Time = 311040000000000 ... - 65k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Hindu and Buddhist Cosmology

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Brahma is the creator god. Although more time is combined and/or divided into other cycles, .... 52; from La Vallee Poussin, “Cosmogony,” pp. 137-138) ... - 23k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Neo Socrates - Existential Post-Modern Philosophy of Hermetic Ontology

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Will you break down your present worldview or cosmogony into its fundamental elements and ... They are like four contorted, angry and ugly faces of Brahma, ... - 45k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Personal and Impersonal God - by T.Subba Row - as published in ...

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... of a universal mind (and this is Brahma, the Creator) and its ideation. ... The doctrine in question explains Cosmogony from an objective point of view. ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

CW : Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines

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The cosmogony of Hermes is as veiled as the Mosaic system, .... Only Abrahm, Isaac and Judah resemble terribly the Hindu Brahmâ, Ikshvâku and Yadu. ... - 23k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

CW : Eastern and Western Occultism

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In short, this teaching does not embrace the Occult Cosmogony, but deals ..... in which the male Brahmâ is created;* and from this the first Prajâpati, ... - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Krisostomus - Books - Encyclopedia of Hinduism

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cosmogony [general entry] cosmology including the world egg and other models of ... Forms of marriage (or of getting a wife): Brahma Arsha Daiva Gandharva ... - 50k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Extract from Ian Lawton's Genesis Unveiled: Origins

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A summary of ancient Egypt’s cosmogony is provided once again by John .... In this context the implication is that during the night of Brahma the void ... - 86k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Vedas - Indopedia, the Indological knowledgebase

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... and Shiva, although Brahma does appear quite frequently. ... The Vedic view of the world and cosmogony sees one true divine principle self-projecting as ... - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Buddhism Glossary

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... "law treatises on cosmogony; (2) Madhyamagama, "middle" treatises on .... Lit., Brahma or purified life, usually connoting the practice of celibacy. ... - 128k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Theosophical Society Symbol

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... the mysteries of the unseen Universe and primordial Cosmogony and Theogony. ... and destructive/ regenerative forces of the Hindu triad, Brahma, Vishnu, ... - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

My Meditation Hut,swami veda bharati,meditation master,sri vidya

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If I had made no attempt to free the Brahma and the Brahmani, .... It is said in India's cosmogony that Lord the Preserver sleeps on the coiled up Serpent ... - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Universal Plan

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... wherein lies concealed the plan of every future Cosmogony and Theogony. ... is that Universe in abscondito, and Brahma, the manifested, is the Logos, ... - 15k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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... of the universe which are found in Indian philosophy and cosmogony. ... The " life of Brahma ", the " days and nights of Brahma ", the "breath of ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Philosophical Dictionary, by Voltaire (chapter94)

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This is but a small part of the ancient cosmogony of the Brahmins. ... The Brahmins assert that their great prophet Brahma, the son of God, descended among ... - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Indra: Text

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... becomes central to the emerging consolidated version of cosmogony. ... khanda of the text describes an exchange between Brahma and Indra where the war ... - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Oahspe, The Words of Jehovih and His Angel Embassadors.

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A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1, Surendranath Dasgupta ...

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Though I have begun my work from the Vedic and Brahma@nic stage, .... the First Rudiments of the Law of Karma............21 13 Cosmogony--Mythological and ... - 65k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Search Results for universe - Encyclopaedia Britannica

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Puranic cosmogony greatly expands upon the already complex cosmogonies of the Brahmanas, ... From his navel grew a lotus, in which the god Brahma was born . ... - 48k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Simon Magus by Mead George Robert Stow - Full Text Free Book (Part ...

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to use the Hindu term, but this Brahma is not THAT which is ... systems, and especially in the Vedic and Phoenician Cosmogony. In the _Rig Veda_ (x. ... - 107k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Thus, the creation of Brahma and the pure creation (the Pancaratra’s own contribution to the theory of creation) and the Samkhya cosmogony of tattvas are ... - 164k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Gender Complementarity and Gender Hierarchy in Puranic Accounts of ...

cosmogonic myths carry weight: "Cosmogony legitimizes the present in- .... The M&rkarujeya Purina says that as soon as Brahma was born, both the ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto - Science of the Absolute Introduction to ...

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209 I.1.2 The Common Parameter Passing through Cosmology and Cosmogony .... 855 B.16.5. viii A Critical Appraisal of the Brahma Sutras ... - 38k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

A Buddhist Dictionary

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compassion: karuná; s. brahma-vihára. comprehension: clear c.: s. sampajañña. ... cosmogony: cf. kappa. counteractive karma: upapílaka-kamma; s. karma. ... - 33k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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